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Agopuntura Veterinaria

Raccoglie reports specifici per l’Agopuntura applicata agli animali.

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Acupuncture and pharmacopuncture are as effective as morphine or carprofen for postoperative analgesia in bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy1

ORIGINAL ARTICLE ANESTHESIA Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira – Vol. 30 (12) 2015

Testo integrale in pdf 

Acupuncture Effects on Cardiac Functions Measured by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Feline Model

(Jen-Hsou Lin, Chen-Haw Shih, Krishna Kaphle, Leang-Shin Wu, Weng-Yih Tseng, Jen-Hwey Chiu, Tzu-chi Lee and Ying-Ling Wu)

Testo di presentazione sul sito eCam – Oxford University Press
Testo integrale in pdf 

Use of acupuncture in equine reproduction

Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Veterinary Medicine: Systematic Review

(Gabriele Habacher, Max H. Pittler, Edzard Ernst)

Journal of Veterinary Internal MedicineTesto ospitato sul sito Wiley InterScience 

Aquapuncture Therapy of Repeat Breeding in Dairy Cattle
(Lin JH, Wu LS, Wu YL, Lin CS, Yang NY)Testo di presentazione sul sito World Scientific Journal

Aquapuncture Improves Metabolic Capacity in Thoroughbred Horses
(Ana Laura Angeli, Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna)

testo di presentazione sul sito Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

The Clinical Application of Equine Acupuncture

(Justin Shmalberg, Huisheng Xie)

Testo di presentazione sul sito ScienceDirect®Testo int.

Laser acupuncture for acute inflammatory, visceral and neuropathic pain relief: An experimental study in the laboratory rat

(L. Lorenzini, A. Giuliani, L. Giardino, L. Calzà)

Testo sul sito: www.HealingLightSeminars.com 

 FDA: Antibiotics in Livestock Affects Human Health

(Daniel J. DeNoon)

Link al sito www.medscape.com